Compositions on the subject of 6/8

The 6/8 time signature is most commonly used within Jigs, however it can be found in Marches and even Airs.

This is one of the most identifiable time signatures within traditional Scottish and Irish music - if you’re not familiar with time signatures then it’s the time signature that makes people want to spin their partner in dances such as the ‘Strip the Willow’.

You are most welcome to browse, download and play any of the compositions. All compositions remain copyright © John C Grant.

You can download all PDFs here
Name Collection
66 Woodlands Road The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
A Tribute to Provost Jim Todd and Depute Provost Claire Leitch The Three Six Five Collection
A Trip to Ardrossan The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Adam Smith of Bonnyton The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Alan Brown MP The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Aleksei Voronin The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Alistair McCulloch The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Alton Burn The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Ann McCusker The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Ashley Murray The Three Six Five Collection
Aurora Clifford The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Beechwood Road The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Calum John Grant The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Campbell Baird Brown Warnock The Three Six Five Collection
Catherine Rodger The Three Six Five Collection
Claire Robertson The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Claire Walker of South Uist The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection,The Tarbolton Collection
Craig McAvoy The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Cumnock Tartan Army The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
David Brodie The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Derek Alexander The Three Six Five Collection
Dr Tim Adams The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Eddie Platt The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Edith Casey The Three Six Five Collection
Elena Whitham The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection,The Tarbolton Collection
Elizabeth Lydia Rowe The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Elizabeth Young The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Fanny Henriksson The Three Six Five Collection
Frank Beattie The Three Six Five Collection
Gerard McNamara The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Gillian Mairi Wright The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Gillian Ramsay The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Gregg Brown The Three Six Five Collection
Göran Hallmarken The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Harry McNamara The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Hilary McArthur The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
James Arthur Steele MacColl The Three Six Five Collection
James Fulton The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Jim Brown The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Johan Holst The Three Six Five Collection
John Davidson The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Dickie Street The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Finnie Street The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Shirkie The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Wilson of Tarbolton The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Julie Wales The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Kay Park The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Kenneth Mclntosh of Brevag The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Klas W. Af Edholm The Three Six Five Collection
Len Pennie The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Lorna Love The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Lorna Reid The Three Six Five Collection
Loudoun Branch SNP The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Louise Fletcher The Three Six Five Collection
Malin Hedström The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Marco Sinforiani The Three Six Five Collection
Margaret Brown The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Margaret Sunderland The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Marie Macklin CBE The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Mark Fletcher The Three Six Five Collection
Mark Thompson The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Matilda Lilja The Three Six Five Collection
Matilda Sevelin The Three Six Five Collection
Matthew Scott The Three Six Five Collection
Montgomerie Street The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Mr & Mrs C Roberts The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Mr & Mrs J Hornsby The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Mr and Mrs P Markac The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Niall Murphy The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Nicola Sturgeon The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Norman Wilson The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Peter Svennson The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Philip Long OBE The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Provost Jim Todd The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Rab Wilson The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Richard Icker Vicker The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Robert McCroskie The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Robert Reid The Three Six Five Collection
Ron Falkenham The Three Six Five Collection
Sandy Benson The Three Six Five Collection
St Andrews Avenue The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Stephen Grant The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Stephen Merrick The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Strand Street The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Strath Lumsden The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Susi and Gavin McGilvray The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Tarbolton Cross The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Tarbolton Mill The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Taylor Buntain The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
The Bachelors' Club The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection,The Tarbolton Collection
The Hill The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
The Tackety Bit The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
The Women of Hareshaw Gardens The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
The Woodstock Arms The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Titchfield Street The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Tom Edwards The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Tracy O'Neil The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Vilborg Vif Gudmundsdottir The Three Six Five Collection
Weston MacKenzie The Three Six Five Collection
William Gregg The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Willie Coffey The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Yes East Ayrshire The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection