Compositions on the subject of Ayrshire Characters

Gerard McNamara and Dr Dr David Hopes, John Finnie Street, Kilmarnock

A collection of Ayrshire characters from past and present - the area of Scotland that gave the world king Robert the Bruce, freedom fighter William Wallace, poet Robert Burns, Johnnie Walker (and his whisky), Sir Alexander Fleming (discovered penicillan), former First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon and so much more….

You are most welcome to browse, download and play any of the compositions. All compositions remain copyright © John C Grant.

You can download all PDFs here
Name Collection
Adam Smith of Bonnyton The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Agnes Broun The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Agnes Burns The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Agnes Patersonne The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Alan Brown MP The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Alan Thomas The Three Six Five Collection
Alex Main The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Alex Neil The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Alexander Brown The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Alexander Cassidy The Three Six Five Collection
Alison Begbie The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Alistair McCulloch The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Allan Carswell The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Andrew Ross The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Ann & Hugh's Golden Wedding The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Ann McCusker The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Annabella Burns The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Ashley Murray The Three Six Five Collection
Billy Kay The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Bruce Kennedy The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Calum John Grant The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Cammy Hill The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Campbell Baird Brown Warnock The Three Six Five Collection
Chris Waddell The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Claire Amos The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Claire Leitch The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Clark Sorley The Three Six Five Collection
Colin Hunter The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Craig McAvoy The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Danny Coffey The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
David Brodie The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
David Burns The Three Six Five Collection
David Moore The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
David Rae The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
David Sillar The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Dawn Rankin The Three Six Five Collection
Denise MacColl The Three Six Five Collection
Derek McLean and Edward Dennehy The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Dougie Ritchie The Three Six Five Collection
Douglas Brown The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Douglas Grierson The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Douglas Reid The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Dr David Hopes The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection,The Tarbolton Collection
Dr Fiona McKenzie OBE The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Dr Philippa Whitford MP The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Duncan Roxburgh The Three Six Five Collection
Elena Whitham The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection,The Tarbolton Collection
Elizabeth Lambert The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Elizabeth Lydia Rowe The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Elizabeth Young The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Ewan and Sheila Coventry (Reel) The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Ewan and Sheila Coventry (Strathspey) The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Ewin Murray The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Eòghann Mac Colla The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Fiona Longmuir The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Frank Beattie The Three Six Five Collection
Fraser Rowan The Three Six Five Collection
Gary Elliot The Three Six Five Collection
Gavin Barrie The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Gerard McNamara The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Gerry Doyle The Three Six Five Collection
Gilbert Burns The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Gillian Mairi Wright The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Graham Barton The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Grant Forsyth The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Greg and Dianne Niven The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Gregg Brown The Three Six Five Collection
Gregor Keachie The Three Six Five Collection
Harold McKeever The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Harry McNamara The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Hugh Reid The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Iain and Janice Shand The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Ian 'Mighty Mouse' McLauchlan The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Isabella Burns The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Isla Louise Grant The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
James Arthur Steele MacColl The Three Six Five Collection
James Fulton The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
James Paterson The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Jason Stirling The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Jim Brown The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Jim Gemmell The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Jim Gouck The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Jim and Magdalena Kennedy The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Burns The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Campbell The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Davidson The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Jardine Fergusson The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Orr The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Paterson The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Richard The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Shirkie The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Spiers The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Wilson The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
John Wilson of Tarbolton The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Johnie Ged The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Johnie Simson The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Jolyn Crawford The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Jonnet Reid The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Josh Molloy The Three Six Five Collection
Julie Wales The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Keith Fullerton The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Kenneth Mitchell The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Kevin Brown The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Kevin Longmuir The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Kieran Grant The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Lauren McKenzie The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Lorna Reid The Three Six Five Collection
Lorrimer Headley The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Louise Fletcher The Three Six Five Collection
Louise and Carrie Grant The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Lynda Verrill The Three Six Five Collection
Major John Weir OBE The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Marco Sinforiani The Three Six Five Collection
Marelle's Birthday Waltz The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Margaret Brown The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Margaret Sunderland The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Marie Macklin CBE The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Mark Fletcher The Three Six Five Collection
Martin Dow The Three Six Five Collection
Martin Trainer The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Matthew Paterson The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Matthew Scott The Three Six Five Collection
Maureen McCroskie The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Michael Russell The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Mikey Lennon The Three Six Five Collection
Mr & Mrs A Kerr The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Mr and Mrs P Markac The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Mrs Grant of Onthank The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Neal Ingram The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Niall Murphy The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Nicki Teager The Three Six Five Collection
Nicola Sturgeon The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Pauline Oubari The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Provost Jim Todd The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Rab Wilson The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Rev Ian Uidhist MacDonald The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Rev Mandy Ralph The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Robert Burns The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Robert Jack The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Robert McCroskie The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Robert Sheerins The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection,The Tarbolton Collection
Ross and Catriona Morris The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Saunders Tait The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Scott Ballantyne The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Sean Maddocks The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Sharon Thomson The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Stephen Grant The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Stephen Merrick The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Stevie Smith The Three Six Five Collection
Stewart Sinclair The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Susi and Gavin McGilvray The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Taylor Buntain The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
The Camerons of Galston The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
The Comic Artist's Slide The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
The McNamaras of Galston The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
The Women of Hareshaw Gardens The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Thomas Hainey The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Thomas Wright The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Tibbie Stein The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Valerie Hamilton The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Wallace Galbraith The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Walter Mitchell The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
William Burnes The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
William Burns The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
William Gregg The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
William M'Gavin The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
William Muir The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
William Shillilaw The Tarbolton Collection,The Three Six Five Collection
Willie Coffey The Kilmarnock Collection,The Three Six Five Collection